Spiritual growth and personal development shouldn’t be synonymous to soft and serious. Our celestial hearts shouldn’t be bottled up, there’s a whole universe to explore — reach for the stars, ROFL at memes, crack up a corny pun or look at the moon and whisper your secrets, hopes and dreams. Give yourself space to screw up, these Spiritual AF decks allow you to paint a picture of spiritual growth in a different light: messy, funny, playful, positive with a hint of profanity, but always personal! A hundred of these super-salty, ultra-inspiring cards will take your spiritual growth to a whole new dimension. Each card doesn’t sugarcoat that it’s often hard AF to grow as a human and be your best self. Have a good light hearted laugh about how life can sometimes suck! Shuffle these witty cards, pull out an inspirational excerpt, follow what it says and defy gravity! This spiritual growth in a box helps you tackle life, it’s constellations and black holes — one card, one cuss, one giggle at a time!