The Yearly Book Of Celebration

★★★★★ (1)
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    LIFE is a special occasion, and it is worthy of daily celebration! Here to add some spice and adventure to your weeks ahead, the Year Of Celebrations Scratch-Off Activity Book includes monthly whimsical mystery activities to inspire little acts of joy, festivity, and fun anytime of the year! Let’s make it a practice to find celebration-worthy moments in our lives! They don’t always have to be extravagant events such as buying a house or finding a new job. Celebrate little wins like mastering a new skill or adding to your savings account! It is always good to see how far you’ve come and appreciate yourself, too. Know that you are doing a great job, and your efforts are paying off! Each month, we’ve listed something you can celebrate – new beginnings, love, strength, kindness, and the list goes on. This book will serve as both a guide and reminder to invite celebration and gratitude in your daily life! When you learn to appreciate the smallest of things, every day becomes a party.

    The activity book encourages you to make room for celebration and enjoyment in your life, no matter how big or how small. In this journey called life, it is important to appreciate each and every moment. Celebrate the little things in life, because that’s what makes it all the more worthwhile! Try scratching off at least one activity per week - it will encourage you to celebrate and be thankful for something new! As time goes by, feel free to build your own lists and celebrate all the things that you would like! It won’t be an easy feat squeezing it into your packed schedules, but trust us, it’s more than worth it. This book is definitely a good starting point for you to have a change in perspective and start seeing everything good happening in life.

    No cheating! Once you scratch off a circle, there are no take backs! Even if you're busy and it doesn't seem like the right time to do the activity, challenge yourself to make the time for it either within the day or week, and allow your spirit to come back from the activity feeling rejuvenated. Add this to your daily routine or use the booklet on days when you need a little pick me up. Celebrate yourself! You are worthy of your time, love, and devotion.


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